Monday, 17 November 2014

An Ungrateful Guy Returns N100 Sound Sultan Gave Him |Photos

According to sound Sultan yesterday, he had given N100 to a young man who was begging him for money only for the guy to rudely stuff the cash on Sultan's car as he drove off.

See after cut photos below :


Lol. But you must be a very stingy guy oooooo.

Stingy guy. How can a guy of your caliber give 100 to someone? If na u, u nor go vex?

Dont mind him. He shouldn't have given the guy anything.

Nice one. I am solidly with Sultan, he gave out what he has.

Niggas ain't loyal anymore. I don't blame him.

Make the guy vex go make money. Case closed.

Sound Sultan can do better than that.

na wa for sound sultan ooooooo if na me i go stone am.stingy na fine babe beg u money u go carry 100 card give am a guy of ur personality nd caliber nd u still dey talk... infact u wicked guy

Lol. Exactly my point. If na girl m sure say he for even carry her go enjoy. Mad man.

That is what he had jo. The guy must be broke by now.

You guys should let him be.

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