Sunday 8 September 2013

Wentworth Miller Popularly Known As Michael Scoffield Once Attempted Suicide Wentworth Miller attempted suicide

Wentworth Miller Attempted To Commit Suicide Before Coming Out Prison Break star Wentworth Miller, who came out as gay last month, has confessed that he attempted to commit suicide as a teenager.

At a Human Rights Campaign gala at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel Saturday, the 41-year-old described his difficult adolescence, saying that he was a “target” and “every day was rest a test and there was a thousand ways to fail.” Miller also admitted that, like many in the room, that he tried on multiple occasions to kill himself.

“The first time I tried to kill myself I was 15. I waited until my family went away for the weekend and I was alone in the house and I swallowed a bottle of pills,” Miller said in a video acquired by TMZ.

“I don’t remember what happened over the next couple days, but I’m pretty sure come Monday morning I was on a bus back to school pretending everything was fine,” Miller added. “And when someone asked me if that was a cry for help, I say no, because I told no one. You only cry for help if you believe there is help to cry for. And I didn’t. I wanted out.”

Miller went on to describe giving thousands of interview while he was starring in Prison Break, and having several opportunities to “speak his truth” that he was a gay man.

“I was out privately to family and friends, people I’d learned to trust over time, but professionally, publicly, I was not,” he said. “Asked to be out of integrity, or out of the closet, I chose to lie. Because when I thought about the possibility of coming out, how that might impact me and the career I worked so hard for, I was filled with fear.”

Wentworth Miller came out in a letter to the organizers of the St. Petersburg International Film Festival in August. He was invited to attend, but declined in the wake of Russia’s anti-gay laws.

“Thank you for your kind invitation. As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes,” he wrote. “However, as a gay man, I must decline.”

Miller went on to say that he “cannot in good conscience participate in a celebratory occasion hosted by a country” where gay people are “systematically denied their basic right to live and love openly.”


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