I was quite suprised with the early morning "pinging"...so I knew it had to be very important.So we got chatting and she brought my attention to a story and other stories online and in softsell magazines about her alleged sexual relationship with erstwhile Nigerian actress,Genevieve Nnaji.
We chatted a bit and i told her it would be better we talked on phone,so I called her.

Ella Martins is an "A" list actress from Benin Republic and she is based in Cotonou.She has featured in many Nigerian films too and she frequents Nigeria often.She is also a very good singer,a model,and she currently runs an Academy for upcoming artistes in all fields in Cotonou.Ella Martins was recently appointed a UN Ambassador for the prevention and spread of the deadly human virus,HIV.In this brief phone chat with me,she revealed some dirty secrets about Nollywood and she cleared the air on her alleged romance with Genevieve Nnaji.Dear N4D reader,you need to read this!
N4D:Good morning Ella,how are you and how is your Academy going?
Ella:I'm fine Demola,the Academy is running fine and we are making progress thank God.
N4D:Okay,earlier this morning,you told me that you were bothered about the stories going round that you and Genevieve Nnaji were lovers and you people were romantically involved with each other,what exactly do you have to say about it?
Ella:Demola,you cant know how irritating it is for me to be sexually involved with another woman.I was created to be attracted to the opposite sex,so why would I be attracted to another woman,please!!!
N4D:But there is no smoke without fire Ella,why do you think people are calling you and Genevieve lovers?What exactly is your relationship with her.
Ella:Thank you very much,infact that is why I contacted you this morning,I want to use this medium to clear my name.I am a UN Ambassador over here in Cotonou and such stories really tarnish my image.
Genevieve is a very good friend of mine...we met way back in 2004 and we have been good friends since then.The story that we are lovers must have come from another female friend of hers.i am saying this because since 2004,there has been no such lesbian stories but suddenly it sprung up...
N4D:...sorry to interrupt you,but what is the name of this lady you are suspecting for peddling these rumours?
Ella:I am sorry I do not want to mention her name.But towards the end of last year,I came to Nigeria and I stayed with Genevieve.Although we stayed under the same roof,we slept in different rooms.There was a time during my visit that we both went to see a friend in an hotel in Lekki and people saw us going in.We later went clubbing that night with the friend and which I think is a normal thing for girls to club if they want to.But that was when the rumours got worse,that we went into the hotel to sleep with each other!!!(laughs)
N4D:You have acted in many Nigerian movies,during your work here,were you ever approached by any actress for a lesbian kind of relationship?
Ella:YES!Infact I was really taken aback that lesbianism is very rampant in the Nigeria movie industry.
N4D:Who were the actresses that approached you to be their lover?
Ella:Demola,you know I cant reveal any name but I want to tell you that they were the very popular actresses in Nollywood,but it was really irriating to me.
N4D:Did you ever discuss the rumours with Genevieve?
Ella:Yes I did,she said its not the first time the Press would label her a lesbian but she has developed a thick skin and so it doesnt bother her because she knows she is not a lesbian!
N4D:In your own opinion,do you think Genevieve has some lesbian traits in her?

Ella:Not at all.Genevieve and I have known each other since 2004 and she really is a nice person if you get to know her.We talk on phone a lot and we discuss life's issues like normal girls do...she is a wonderful person.
I guess its because she is a famous person that some undesirable elements want to tarnish her image...and mine too.The Press make things worse too.There was a time I performed with Tony Tetuila and there were rumours after then that we were dating.But I just want to emphasize here that Genevieve and i are not in any form of sexual relationship,we are just good friends.The rumours are not true and to tell you the truth Demola,its getting to my Mother and I dont fancy that at all.
N4D:Alright Ella,thank you very much for making the records straight,good luck in all your endeavours...
Ella:Thank you very much Demola,I really love your blog...keep it up and God bless.
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