Wednesday, 21 August 2013

See Popular Nollywood Actress Ngozi Ezeonu Drastic Weight loss

She used to look bodacious as one of the most-well-fed actress in Nollywood but not anymore. What could be wrong with beautiful actress Ngozi Ezeonu? See her most recent photo below: ...

OMG: [Photos Inside] Jennifer Hudson Reveals Loose Skin On Her Thighs

After transforming her body with the help of Weight Watchers, the singer and actress has managed to keep the weight off. Her body is definitely banging but maybe she lost the weight too fast or something because now there's loose skin on her thighs...which she proudly shows off anyway so she's obviously not bothered by it. One of the effects...

Hot! Beverly Naya Shows Off Her Workout Body

Exercising and working out that body isn't exactly easy – I mean all those push-ups, sit-ups, heavy metal lifting (and squats for the ladies!). Quite strenuous right? So it’s like a reward to show off their hot bod when those muscles are well toned and abs looking flat. Actress Beverly Naya who seems to be getting there herself shared a workout...

Pictures from Jesse Jagz's party

 The former chocolatecity star,and the CEO of Jagz nation celebrated his birth day on the 10th of August.  Jagz is looking so razzed,is that the hand work of weed?Anyways he still remains my best style="background-color: #d9ebf0;" //default pop-under house ad url infinityads_enable_pop = true; infinityads_adhere_opt='left';...

Man Went To Kill A Pastor But He Encountered Jesus

Deeply committed to his religion, Jayesh went to local temple every morning to worship his gods & godesses. One day, he met Gospel for Asia Pastor, Nabhith, as they were walking past one another through the village. It didn’t take long for Pastor Nabhith to share his love for Jesus with Jayesh. As he listened to Pastor Nabhith talk about...

Pastor BANS Females in Church From Wearing Weaves. Says It Reduces Self Esteem

A controversial pastor in Waco, Texas is BANNING members from wearing weaves! Taking the whole "Come As You Are" concept a little far as he's attempting to BAN weaves from his congregation. During an interview with, pastor A.J. Aamir of Resurrecting Faith in Waco, Texas told his staffers that weaves present a false...

PHOTO: 19-year-old lesbian jailed again for having sex with 14-year-old girl

A 19-year-old Florida woman was jailed for violating a court order prohibiting her from contacting her 14-year-old girlfriend. The gay community rallied behind Kaitlyn Hunt when she was arrested and expelled from school for having sex with a minor earlier this year. Hunt was arrested in February and charged with lewd and lascivious conduct...

18-Month-Old Baby Falls Off Father’s Shoulder And Drowns As He Took Pics

This is one of the most painful things to happen to a parent. A doctor’s toddler daughter drowned after she slipped off his shoulders while he was taking photos and plunged into a swollen river. Coventry-based anaesthesiologist Megha Reddy screamed for help as 18-month-old Manvi disappeared under the water and was washed downstream...

Meet Don Jazzy And D'Prince's Mum

This is the mother of Marvin Records Boss, Don Jazzy and his label mate/brother D’Prince. Last week Friday Madam Jazzy flew in from Dublin, Ireland to Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire for QuestionMark Boss Kevin & Mariah’s white wedding in UK. //default pop-under house ad url infinityads_enable_pop = true; infinityads_adhere_opt='left';...

Male prostitution causes rise in sale of pampers in Kenya

The Police in Kenya said Tuesday said they were battling to contain a new trend of commercial sex tourism that targets young boys in the coastal towns of the country . The reports monitored  from a local radio station, quoted  Police as saying the trend had caused the rise in the sale pampers in the region due to the rising health...

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