Friday, 13 June 2014

Talented Gospel Singer Mamex Drops New Single 'Take My Hand'

Multi talented gospel singer, Mamex has finally dropped his long awaited single 'Take My Hand'. Take my hand is a song of surrender. Jesus said come unto me all ye who are heavy laden I will give you rest. Its simply means if only you can cast your cares upon him(Jesus) he will care for you, if you give him your hand he will lift you...

Sex Workers Storm Venues Of 2014 World Cup In Brazil

Brazilian prostitutes has taking their business to the next level as the 2014 FIFA World Cup kicked off in their country yesterday. Daily Mirror reports that around 4,000 girls are expected to be working in Rio's Vila Mimosa offering football "specials" to fans from nations around the world. I also learnt  that English fans are among...

Kefee's Management Releases Statement Confirming Her Death

An official statement has being released by Kefee's UK publicist confirming her death. Read it below... On behalf of the family….It is with a great sadness but grateful hearts that we announce the passing to glory due to lungs failure this morning of our God’s mouth piece, chorus leader, daughter, wife, sister, friend Kefee Branama Queen … May...

Exclusive Pictures From The 2014 World Cup Opening Ceremony

The highly anticipated competition,  The FIFA WORLD CUP has finally kicked off (June 12, 2014). We can boldly say this year's version is going to be very interesting because the opening ceremony was something else. Jennifer Lopez, Pitbull and  Claudia Leitte thrilled the fans with their superb performances as they sang the official...

SHOCKER: Nigerian Gospel Singer Kefee Is Dead

I had to be very sure before making this post. After series of phone calls home and abroad, I have being able to confirm our dear singer Kefee is dead. This is a very sad loss because the star was a very nice lady. Anyways may God grant her peace as she rest in his bossom. RIP Kefee.                ...

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