Saturday, 21 May 2016

Checkout Solidstar's Reaction To A Drawing Of Him

So someone sent Solidstar this unfinished sketch of himself through Whatsapp, he thanked the person for their work but told the person not to continue. He shared the sketch and convo on his IG page and wrote:This person wants to turn me into a monster, God is watching you o.. Below are a few of the comments on his page. ...

VIDEO: Small Doctor Ft. Olamide – You Know

REAL BEAT PLANET popular signee artist ‘SMALL DOCTOR’ releases the visual to his much aniticpated single with a joint force from YBNL’s Boss OLAMIDE BADDO and Video was Directed by Ace Cinematographer UNLIMITED LA. DOWNLOAD AND WATCH!! DOWNLOAD VIDEO HERE ...

Video: Danfo Drivers – Inyele

AJB MUSIC GROUP Present The official video of “INYELE” by the Talented Duo “DANFO DRIVERS” Just after their Europe tour. They dole out with the video to the previous hit single title “INYELE”  which is currently getting massive Air-plays across and outside the country. The song which was released towards ending of last year was...

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